
Club Members, Family and Friends

Introducing our Dan Graded Members

Takashi Itakura PhD, Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan

Takashi began his Kendo journey when he was 5 years old. He lapsed from practice for almost 10 years after high school to pursue academic and professional career development. After returning to Kendo, Takashi became an active competitor in various Kendo championships in his 20s and 30s.

Currently, as a Senior Instructor/Coach under the ‘Instructor, Coach and Officiator Accreditation Scheme’ of the Australian Kendo Renmei (AKR), Takashi is helping others enjoy training and progress at various levels.

Takashi also contributes to various administrative management matters for the AKR community. Takashi is the Secretary of the Queensland Kendo Renmei. He has served on the AKR Kendo Board since 2012 and currently holds the Board Chair.

Apart from Kendo, Takashi likes fitness training, on-road cycling and cooking.

Ken Kamada – 4th Dan

Ken received his Shodan in Chiba, Japan in 2006. His most recent grading was in Tokyo in 2012. He’s been practising Kendo for 20 years, starting as a child in Japan.

I started my Brisbane life in May 2021 and am enjoying Kendo here!

Shu Amane Hosoya – 3rd Dan

Shu received his Shodan in Saitama, Japan in 2015. His most recent grading was in Sydney in 2022. He has practised Kendo for 10 years and has been enjoying practising again in Brisbane.

It’s great that I have met such wonderful people in Brisbane through Kendo.

Marcelo Almeida PhD – 3rd Dan

Marcelo received his Shodan in Brazil in 2002. After a 10+ year break, he joined BKC in 2020 and graded 2nd Dan in Dec 2021.

I like Kendo because it merges good physical exercise and discipline!

Anthony (Tony) Lee – 2nd Dan

Tony received his Shodan in Kumamoto, Japan in the early 90s. After many attempts to return to Kendo in both Japan and Australia, he finally found a place to call home at BKC. His most recent grading was in Sydney in 2021.

Practicing Kendo was a teenage dream that turned into one of the most valuable experiences of my life. My only regret is that I couldn’t resume it earlier.

Vincent Chuang – 2nd Dan

Vincent received his shodan at NSW on 2022, his commitment at BKC is always appreciated.

I started kendo at late 30 due to various reason, but it’s never too late to take first step, and it has been influenced my life in positive way.

Neil Jorgensen – 2st Dan

For almost two years, I have been fortunate enough to study Kendo as part of the Brisbane Kendo Club under the guidance of Itakura Sensei. Although still very much a novice, I attained 1st Dan after 18 months of diligent training and support from the other members of the club. Led by Sensei, members take a collaborative role in maintaining a continuous improvement approach for everyone – an approach that is inclusive and mutually valued.  As well as the fitness and mental benefits, kendo provides me with an engaging and competitive outlet – that I can continue for many years.

Eva Liu – 1st Dan

In July 2023, I reached 1st Dan, and I owe a big thanks to Brisbane Kendo Club (BKC) for their unwavering support. Since I joined in August 2020, I’ve balanced kendo practice with my role as a senior medical physicist and caring for my primary school children. Every Saturday, I immersed myself in the art of Kendo, embracing the belief that practice makes perfect. A heartfelt appreciation goes to Dr. Takashi Itakura, whose tireless dedication benefits everyone. Together with club members, Takashi guides junior members, helping them improve. Our club embodies unity and supporting each other’s progress, just as our motto encourages.