Club Rules

For Members and Prospective Members

  • All persons training at Brisbane Kendo Club (BKC) must complete a prescribed BKC membership. All BKC members must pay the prescribed Queensland Kendo Renmei (QKR) membership fee in full by the due date as directed by QKR.
  • The QKR membership covers injury insurance claims as covered under the AKR insurance policy (Policy Number: PMEL99/0077540, issued by Sportscover Australia Pty Ltd). The registration insures BKC and registered club members. It also permits registered members to participate in state and national grading, competition events and training seminars. Please refer to this AKR page for additional information.
  • Persons who are not current full financial members of QKR or the Australian Kendo Renmei (AKR) must complete both (1) a prescribed BKC membership and (2) a QKR membership form* on the first training day at BKC. These persons must pay relevant QKR membership fees to be registered as soon as possible for insurance reasons.
  • Visitors are requested to assess their health conditions and inspect their own equipment for safety reasons.  Visitors are also requested to have their own insurance product prior to training at BKC.  Particularly overseas visitors are strongly recommended to purchase a comprehensive insurance product upon making a risk assessment.  BKC assumes no responsibility for injury or property damage claims made by visitors while taking reasonable steps to prevent foreseeable harm to members and visitors and their property.
  • The club values diversity, however, due to its limited resources, the training regimen can not be altered to accommodate those who require a tailored experience. The club reserves the right to adhere to a standard that new members should not expect waivered.
  • New members can train for 4 weeks from the first training day at no cost to them. Please use this introductory period to determine if this club and Kendo is right for you.
  • Those with limited experience must train under the supervision of an instructor or delegated club BKC members only.
  • BKC assumes no responsibility for any injuries or accidents which non BKC members undergo or cause while BKC exercises a duty of care to the extent reasonable.
  • BKC members and visitors who have yet to undertake a Covid vaccination train at their own risk. The club takes no responsibility for any outcomes resulting from their choice not to protect themselves.
  • BKC is a non-profit organisation. Fees collected are to be spent strictly for venue hiring and the common good only.
  • No concession entitlements are available with the exception of junior members younger than 18 years of age on or after the first day of the current membership year.
  • All members are encouraged to help one another to train and advance together.

For Visitors

Visitors are requested to:

  • Contact the club secretary at least 1 week prior to their visit to the club
  • Arrive at training venues punctually
  • Respect our vision as per Our Values – Brisbane Kendo Club (
  • Focus on training
  • Follow the directions provided by the instructor or the training leader in charge
  • Refrain from directly instructing club members or disrupting training sessions unless requested by the club instructor or the training leader in charge
  • Not to video-record any part of training sessions unless approved
  • Refrain from making requests to participate in events or discussions that have not  already gone through the appropriate official channels
  • Not to make any comments that can be taken as disparaging or belittling the club or club members in any shape or form